The districts and wards that make up the Akoko Edo Local Government Area (LGA) in Edo State, Nigeria, employ a variety of postal or zip codes.

The postcodes for Akoko Edo LGA are as follows:


Location Postcode
Akuku 312114
Ewan 312114
Utua-Ufa 312114

Central Akoko

Location Postcode
Aiyegunle 312117
Aiyetoro 312117
Eshawa 312117
Ogbe 312117
Ogugu 312117
Oneme-Nekhua 312117
Onomu 312117
Ugboshi-Afe 312117
Ugoshi-Efi 312117

Igarra (East Akoko)

Location Postcode
Igarra 312115
Samorika 312115
Sasaro 312115


Location Postcode
Atte 312123
Egbigere 312123
Ikpeshi 312123


Location Postcode
Anyanran 312121
Kakumo 312121

North Akoko

Location postcode
Ekor 312122
Ekpesa 312122
Ibillo 312122
Ikiran-Oke 312122
Ikiren-Ile 312122

North-East Akoko

Location Postcode
Bekuma 312120
Ekpe 312120
Ekpedo 312120
Imorgn 312120
Lampese 312120


Location Postcode
Ago-Ogbodo 312116
Ijaja 312116
Okpe 312116
Oloma 312116


Location Postcode
Anyawozo 312118
Dangbale 312118
Erhurun 312118
Ile-Aro 312118
Oja-Sale 312118
Ojirami-Oke 312118
Ojiranu-Petesi 312118
Uneme-Osu 312118


312119 is the postal or zip code used by all sites in Ososo.