Iko and Okoro Ete are the two towns that make up the Eastern Obolo Local Government Area (LGA) in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. The zip codes and postal codes for the two towns differ.

The Eastern Obolo LGA postcodes are listed below.


Iko’s towns and villages all utilize the same code:

Location Postcode
Atabrikang 534107
Iko 534107
Ikonta 534107
Kampa 534107


Okoro Ete

Okoro Ete’s areas all utilize the same code:

Location Postcode
Akpabom 534206
Kampa 534206
Ama Ngbuoji 534206
Obionga 534206
Ama Ngulasi 534206
Okoro Inyong 534206
Amadaka 534206
Okorobilom 534206
Atabrikang 534206
Okoroete 534206
Ayama 534206
Okoroiti 534206
Bethlehem 534206
Okorombakho 534206
Elekpon 534206
Okoromobolo 534206
Elile 534206
Okwon Obolo 534206
Emere Oke I 534206
Otuwene 534206
Emere Oke II 534206
Ozugbo 534206
Emeremen 534206
Umauka 534206
Eqwennwe 534206
Iko 534206
Ikonta 534206
Iworfe 534206