A popular figure in the Nigerian Christian community, Joy Muoka was known for her love of family and ministry.
As the wife of Pastor Lazarus Muoka, the founder of God’s Excellence Renewal program, Joy has played an important role in supporting and expanding the power of the church throughout Nigeria and beyond.
His life was characterized by a deep commitment to his faith, service to his wife and family.
The sudden death of Joy Muoka on July 13, 2023 sent shockwaves through the Nigerian Christian community, leaving behind a legacy of faith, service and sacrifice that inspires many.
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Joy Muoka Cause of Death
The Christian community and followers of God’s chosen plan are deeply saddened by the death of Joy Muoka on July 13, 2023.
The exact cause of his death was an unknown disease before his death.
The sudden nature of his death shocked many, as there was no general knowledge of the health problems he was dealing with.
The church and family members kept the details of his death private, respecting his memory and the family’s desire to have a place to grieve.
In the days following her death, tributes poured in from across Nigeria and beyond, with many telling of her kindness, spiritual guidance and support of her husband’s ministry. The fact that his illness is unknown adds to the loss of those who knew him, showing the fragility of life and the importance of always caring.
The God’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement released an official statement confirming his death and praying for Moka’s family and the church.
Although the news of his death has been kept private, the impact of his death was felt throughout the Nigerian Christian community.
Joy Muoka Biography
Joy Muoka’s life was intertwined with the growth and development of The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement.
Born into a Christian family, Joy Muoka’s faith was nurtured from a young age and prepared him for the important role of supporting one of the fastest growing churches in Nigeria.
Her marriage to Lazarus Muoka was the beginning of a friendship that not only shaped their own lives but also influenced the spiritual landscape of Nigeria.
Together they embarked on a journey of faith that led to the founding of God’s chosen salvation program in 2002.
Joy Muoka was the wife of the founder of the church and was a supportive woman. She was an active minister and was often seen with her husband at church events, campaigns and relief efforts.
Her presence was a source of strength and inspiration to many women in the church who looked up to her as a role model of wife and mother saint.
The power of Joy goes beyond the boundaries of the church walls. He was known for his philanthropy and his ability to help the less fortunate.
Many stories speak of his kindness and generosity, often helping the poor inside and outside the church community. Their union was blessed with two children, Joshua Muoka and Ruth Ifunanya Muoka, who followed in their parents’ footsteps to serve the church.
Joy Muoka was known for her intelligence and spiritual wisdom throughout her years of ministry.
Many members of the Church sought counsel on matters of life, and he was always ready to lend a religious ear and provide sound guidance. based on the principles of the Bible.
His sudden death on July 13, 2023 will leave a void in the hearts of many.
The outpouring of grief and tributes following his death is a testament to the impact his life has had on so many lives. His legacy will continue throughout history
The service he helped build and the lives he touched during his life on earth.
Joy Muoka was 64 years old when she died on July 13, 2023.
Born in the late 1950s, Joy Muoka has lived through significant periods in Nigeria’s history, including the country’s independence and social changes.
His life spanned a period of great growth and change in the Nigerian Christian world, especially in the Pentecostal movement.
At the age of 64, Joy Muoka has gained many experiences in life that make her a great source of wisdom for the younger generations of the church.
His age has allowed him to connect with a wide range of people, from young people looking for guidance to the elderly looking for spirituality. Although he was in his sixties, Joey Mocca was known for his energy and enthusiasm for church service.
Her Husband: Pastor Lazarus Muoka
Lazarus Muoka, the husband of Joy Muoka, is a popular figure in the Nigerian Christian world.
As the founder and Chief Executive of The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement, Pastor Lazarus Muoka has made a significant contribution to the Pentecostal movement in Nigeria and beyond.
Lazaro Muoka’s journey to become a powerful religious leader was born in Magbidi, Imo-Imo, Nigeria, marked by a remarkable conversion.
Before he was called to the ministry, he worked in business. However, a deep spiritual encounter led him to dedicate his life to spreading the gospel. In 2002, Lazarus Muoka founded the “God’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement” which quickly grew into one of the fastest growing churches in Nigeria.
The rapid growth of the church is due to Muoka’s leadership, his focus on signs and salvation, and the support of his wife Joy Muoka.
As a pastor, Lazarus Muoka is known for his preaching style and focus on holiness and righteousness.
His sermons often mention social problems and encourage his congregation to live according to the principles of the Bible.
He has written several books on Christian living and spiritual warfare that have become popular among his followers. Despite the challenges, Raharuhi Muoka is committed to his calling and the vision of God’s noble spiritual salvation program.
He continues to preach and lead the church, and now carries on the legacy he and Joey created over decades of ministry.
Joy and Raharuhi Muoka have two children are Joshua Muoka and Ruth Ifunanya Muoka.
Both children have followed in the footsteps of their parents and are active in the ministry of God’s charismatic revival movement.
The couple’s son, Joshua Muoka, is active in the church.
He is often seen helping his father in various church activities and his ability to carry on the family tradition has been proven.
Joshua’s involvement in the church has been slow but steady, and many see him as a possible successor to his father’s leadership in the future.