The postal and zip codes are the same throughout the Ogbia Local Government Area (LGA) in Bayelsa State, Nigeria.
The postcode for the Ogbia LGA is as follows:

Location Postcode
Sagatama 562103
Sobo Camp 562103
Warbugoama 562103
Otuabai 1 562103
Otuabula 1 562103
Otuabula 11 562103
Otuaganagu 562103
Otuakeme 562103
Otuedu 562103
Otuegwe 562103
Otuekpein 562103
Otuogidi 562103
Otuogori 562103
Otuokpoti 562103
Qutar 562103
Abobir 562103
Iyakiri 562103
Oruma 562103
Akolomani 562103
Kolo 562103
Otegila 562103
Amorokeni 562103
Obakilolo 562103
Otegwe 562103
Amuruto 562103
Obelebiri 562103
Otuabagi 562103
Anyama 562103
Obuaba 562103
Egeleama 562103
Ogbia 562103
Elebele 562103
Ogboama 562103
Emadike 562103
Ogireyankiri 562103
Emago 562103
Okiki 562103
Emakalakala 562103
Okodi 562103
Emegai 562103
Olobiri 562103
Epebu 562103
Ologi 562103
Ewama 562103
Ologoghe 562103
Ewoi 562103
Oluaganagu 562103
Igbo 562103
Onuebum 562103
Imiringi 562103
See also  Etsako East Postal or Zip codes (Edo State)