A variety of postal or zip codes are used by the several districts and wards that make up the Owan East Local Government Area (LGA) in Edo State, Nigeria.

The postcodes for Owan East LGA are as follows:


Location Postcode
Afuze 313101
Eteye 313101
Evbiamen 313101
Evbiamen Urule 313101
Ogute 313101
Ojavun New Site 313101
Ojavun Old Site 313101
Okpa 313101
Okpokumi I 313101
Okpokumi II 313101
Ovbiomu 313101
Uanhumi 313101


Location Postcode
Ayetoro Camp 313106
Igue-Isale 313106
Igue-Oke 313106


Location Postcode
Akhai 313102
Ekhaieye 313102
Emabu 313102
Ihievbe-Ogben 313102
Iyaba 313102
Iyeradu 313102
Oghuore 313102
Okhuame 313102
Ugba 313102


Location Postcode
Ikao 313108
Ishiegbe 313108
Oke-Esa 313108
Urhuere 313108
Utho 313108


Location Postcode
Ake 313105
Arokho 313105
Ikhin 313105
Iru-Oke 313105
Kwale Camp 313105
Ohanmi 313105
Urhore 313105


Location Postcode
Afeobe 313103
Afeosho 313103
Afobakire 313103
Ebetse 313103
Ekeke 313103
Errah 313103
Esioriri 313103
Igbira Camp 313103
Isikpiri 313103
Ivbbioghogun 313103
Ivbeovokhai 313103
Ivbiakara 313103
Ivbiaro 313103
Obugonvbore 313103
Ofulu 313103
Olelo 313103
Ubuneke 313103
Ugbovbijan 313103
Ukpoke 313103
Usun 313103
Usun Camp 313103
Warrake 313103


Location Postcode
Ago-Ogodo 313107
Amohon 313107
Amoya 313107
Imafun 313107
Iyeu 313107
Obo 313107
Ohima 313107
Orake 313107
Osiekpa 313107
Ugba 313107


313104 is the postcode used by all of Uokha’s neighborhoods.