The six districts that make up the Urue-Offong local government area in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria, each have their own postal/zip code.

The postal and zip codes for Urue-Offong are as follows:


Location within Afaha use the same:

Location Postcode
Okpo 523107
Uboro Oron 523107



Location Postcode
Elei 523112
Ibetong Nsie 523112


Ibighi has distinct codes for certain places. Look up your area in the table below:

Location Postcode
Oyubia 523109
Uya Oron 523109
Okuko 523109
Oyoku Ibighi 523109
Afaha Akai 521107
Atiabang 521107
Oyoku Assang 521107
Urue Ita 521107


In some parts of Okiuso, there are distinct postcodes. View the table for your location below:

Location postcode
Atte 523111
Umeme 523111
Akai Nyo 521106
Isa Okiuso 521106
Itak Okiuso 521106
Udung Afiang 521106
Udung Amkpe 521106
Udung Ukpong 521106
Udung Ulo 521106
Udung Umo 521106


Everywhere in Udobong makes use of the same:

Location postcode
Abiak Elibi 523108
Udung Eta 523108
Anai Okpo 523108
Udung Okpor 523108
Edok 523108
Udung Uwe 523108
Eyetong 523108
Ukuda 523108
Eyo Eyekip 523108
Urue Offong 523108
Eyo Okwong 523108
Eyo Ufuo 523108
Eyo Uwesong 523108
Eyo Uya 523108
Eyobiasang 523108
Eyokpifie 523108
Eyulor 523108
Oduonim Isong Inyang 523108
Oduonim Oro 523108
Okossi 523108
Ubodung 523108


Different codes are used in several locations of Ukwong ward. To find your precise position, go to the table below:

Location Postcode
Mbokpu-Eyokan 523110
Mbukup-Uko-Akai 523110
Ibetong-Eweme 523110
Ikpe 523110
Mbokpu-Eyo-Ima 523110
Utine Ndoung 521104
Ebighi Anwa Oro 521104
Etieke Udong Eto 521104
Eweme 521104
Eyo Nku 521104
Itak Uyati 521104
Mbukpo Oduobo 521104
Ndoung 521104
Osu Offi 521104
Oti Oron 521104
Otieke 521104
Ubak 521104
Utine Eyekung 521104
Afaha Osu 521104
Ebighi Anwa Ikpi 521104
Akai Ati 523115
Akai owu 523115
Akprang 523115
Eprang Udo 523115
Ibaka (Uda) 523115
Isong Inyang 523115
Kprang (Uda) 523115
Mkpang Utong 523115
Offi (Uda) 523115
Onukim (Uda) 523115
Osu Udesi 523115
Udung Eyo Unyenge 523115
Uke Nteghe 523115
Utit Atai Unyenge 523115